Student Council Meeting
Year-: 10 & 11
Date-: January 9th 2009
Venue-: Room E1
1. Local Police Authority
The Local Police Authority Representative spoke to the young people in our student council to talk about the problems in the area that they live in. She also spoke about Anti Social Behaviour and how does it affect young people. The student council discuss and shared experiences of when gangs of youths have threatened them. Also the representative asked the youth council whether they could fill out a questionnaire (Members agreed). The issue that was raised was adults judging young people by their clothes.’ If you are not in a school uniform then you are out to cause trouble.’ As Bosworth Community College do not have a uniform it makes it really difficult to not be stereotyped. She made a clear point that young people can change things by giving the police some evidence. However, another young person raised the issue that some young people are actually afraid of the police due to incidents that might have taken place. She answered the question by telling us that the police force does have specially trained people so that they could talked to young people. However, another young person suggested that some young people may not face the police because they might feel foolish and they might think that they would get in trouble. She suggested that filling out a question would be easier than facing a police officer. Therefore she suggested that everyone fills out a question and returns it so that the police could have evidence and change or improve issues such as the park etc.
2. Introduction from Chris Parkinson
Chris Parkinson is the new college principle who cam and talked to the student council. He made clear who he was and why he thought that the student council was important. Some of the points were that-:
-Students can give a variety of changes
-Teacher and student can make a change to learning
He also told the student council that he has attended many student council however; he thought that Bosworth Community College was more organised. Also he attended the whole meeting and enrolled into the discussion. He also gave the student council starting point such as ‘what do you think about this’. Sometimes there were not many points that were made clear in which case students did not take part but Chris helped us out. Finally he finished on the note that the student council has his full support.
3. Student Voice Conference
The communications officer mentioned the Student Voice Conference and how representative were asked to go. From the student council of Year 10 and 11 the people that are going will be (The Chair), Simon Throop, Leighton Russell and Geena Sharma. Students from Post 16 will be joining us as well. Ibs suggested whether students that are not going could help with the presentation; he said that the presentation is about effective communication and how Bosworth deals with communication. Most members agreed to help out with the presentation.
4. Student Council Forum
Simon introduce the student council forum to the student council, he taught us through the whole forum and told us that we need to be getting other students involved. He taught us though the different sections.
5. Prom
The Chair led the discussion to the prom; she made an announcement to all Year 11 that she would be holding a prom committee opening meeting and everyone in Year 11 is invited. The Chair asked Chris Parkinson whether the prom could be in a different location. Chris Parkinson agreed to that however, he raised a few issues. He wanted to make sure that the students that have disrupted the learning of other, that they do not ruin the evening. He also suggested that some representatives could come from Year 10 and observe how the Prom is like so when the Prom is held for the Year 10 then they would have a good idea. The point that Chris Parkinson made clear was that if the Year 11’s ruin the evening then the Year 10s would not have a prom. The funding was discussed at the meeting as well. The Chair asked some suggestions about how the student council are going to fund the prom. The suggestions were-: charity fundraising, tutor challenges and community fundraising. The Chair also suggested the prom should be advertised throughout the college. Chris Parkinson made it clear that it was just not the venue and food that the college had to provide it was the security as well and as it would be outside the school grounds students would be asked to search bags if the person is not in control of him/her self. The time was also discuss, members thought that before the exams was a good idea and on a Friday night was a good time for the prom. Futher details would be discussed in the open meeting.
Agenda items for the next meeting
1. Display Boards
2. Toilets
3. Sports Equipment
4. Cycle to School